D6 has introduced a new deployment mechanism of Documentum clients. Instead of previous installation mechanism, no the war file have been created which simplifies and save time in installation.
Installation of Webtop 6SP1
1.1 Prerequisites
1. Preparing the Content Server
The content server must be first installed before installing Webtop6
2. Install required docbase if any.
For Webtop6, DocApps are provided in Content Server version 6. Content server automatically installs the required DocApps. For e.g., for using preset functionality a docapp needs to be installed which created the required roles and cabinets for preset.
3. The global registry requirement
A global registry of Content Server version 6 must be installed in the environment in order to run a WDK based application. A global registry is a central repository that serves several purposes. Content Server that has been designated as a global registry. Information from the dfc.properties file can be copied that was generated by the Content Server installer on global registry host. The generated dfc.properties file contains the connection broker address and the encrypted global registry user login information.
Note: WDK 5.3.x and 6 applications cannot share the same instance as a version 6 application on the same application one or both applications will not work properly.
4. Ensure that the client meets the requirement of browser and app server for installation of Webtop6.
1.2 Environment Supported
Webtop operates on a browser client and on a web application server. When the supported environments for the browser client and web application server are the same, they can be on the same machine. Otherwise, they need to be on different machines.
1.2.1 Browser environment
Users access Webtop through web browsers. The software environment consists of a specific combination of operating system, browser, and JRE. Webtop 6 supports windows/macintosh/linus/solaris browsers.
For detailed configuration refer to Webtop 6SP1 release notes.
1.2.2 Web application server environment
Webtop runs in a web application server environment. The web application server environment consists of a specific combination of operating system, web application server, and JDK. Webtop 6 runs on Apache Tomcat/BEA Weblogic/IBM Websphere etc.
For detailed configuration refer to Webtop 6SP1 release notes.
1.3 Installation Steps
1.3.1 Prepare the Browser
- Identify the browser and app server requirements.
- Ensuring a certified JVM on browser clients. Browser client hosts require a certified version of the Sun Java virtual machine (JVM or VM) to initiate content transfer in a WDK application. Browser requirement are described in detail in Webtop6 reference guide.
- Clearing the browser cache. Browsers cache JavaScript. Cached JavaScript in the browser from a 5.x WDK based application may cause errors when the user connects to a version 6 application. Clear the browser JavaScript cache to avoid these errors.
- Install the app server as detailed in app server guide.
1.3.2 Prepare the App Server
1. Identify the port that will host the appserver. Refer to app server guide for default port.
Make sure that the port does not conflict with any other service.
In this guide, installation will be shown on Apache Tomcat
2. Setting the Java memory allocation
The minimum recommended Sun Java memory allocation values for application servers
on a small system are the following:
-Xms1024m -Xmx1024m
3. Preparing Apache Tomcat
Disable tag reuse in Apache Tomcat in the web.xml file of the Tomcat /conf
directory. Find the JSP servlet entry in web.xml. Add the enablePooling initialization
parameter and set it to false:
1.3.3 Preparing the WAR file for deployment
To deploy a WDK based application
1. Download the WDK application WAR file from the EMC download site to a
temporary directory on the application server host.
2. Unpack the WAR file
War file is commonly downloaded from EMC as webtop.war.zip. Change the file
name to webtop.war
3. Deploy the war file according to the app server instructions.
4. For tomcat, start the server, and visit the Tomcat Manager
URL to access Tomcat manager is < http://localhost:8080/manager/html>
where localhost is the client hosting the app server and the 8080 is the port on
which service is listening.
- Deploy the war file as shown
Upload the war file and deploy the same.
- Modify the dfc.properties file as given
6.1.On the global registry repository host, locate the Content Server installation directory.
On Windows hosts, the default installation directory is C:\Documentum.
On UNIX hosts, this directory is specified by the environment
variable $DOCUMENTUM.
6.2. Open the file dfc.properties that is located in the config subdirectory.
6.3. Copy the following keys and their values from the file:
6.4. Open the dfc.properties file located in WEB‑INF/classes within this expanded WAR
file directory.
6.5. Paste in the values that you copied from the global registry dfc.properties.
6.6. Save the dfc.properties file
Note: If you create a new WAR file from this application directory, you must ensure that any paths that you specify in dfc.properties are valid directories on the application server and that the application server instance owner has write permission on the specified directories.
- Test the application to verify the deployment.
Open the browser and type the URL <http://host_name:port_number/virtual_directory>
àhost_name is the host where the application server is installed. If the browser is on the application server machine, substitute localhost for host_name; for example, http://localhost:8080/webtop.
à port_number is the port where the application server listens for connections
à virtual_directory is the virtual directory for your application For example, if the application server host is named iris, the port is 8080, and the application virtual directory is webtop, the URL is http://iris:8080/webtop.
1.4 Troubleshooting
1.4.1 Tag pooling problem
If tag pooling is not properly disabled in the application server, you will see several instances of the same control on the login page
Caution: After you disable tag pooling, you must clear the cached JSP class files which still may contain pooled tags. Refer to your application server documentation to find the location of the generated class files. For example, Tomcat displays the following error message:
com.documentum.web.form.control.TagPoolingEnabledException:JSP tag pooling is not supported.
1.4.2 No connection to repository
If the application server log contains the following error during application initialization, it indicates that you have not specified a connection broker in the dfc.properties file of your application WAR file:
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(Bootstrap.java:432)
Caused by: DfDocbrokerException:: THREAD: main; MSG: DFC_DOCBROKER_REQUEST_FAILED] Request to Docbroker "" failed; ERRORCODE: ff; NEXT: null
1.4.3 Wrong JRE used for application server
If the application server host has multiple JREs on the system, the wrong JRE may be used by the application server. Check your application server documentation for instructions on using the correct JRE with your application server. For example, the Tomcat application server uses a JAVA_HOME environment variable. If this variable value is specified in the application startup batch file catalina.bat or in the service.bat file for Windows services.
The error that is displayed in Tomcat using the wrong JRE is the following:
ERROR [Thread1]
Error configuring application listener of class
(Unsupported major.minor version 49.0)at
java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method)
Very much to the point and useful. Thanks a lot !!!